The 3% stamp duty
Tax changes and new mortgage lending regulations have made things much tougher for landlords and landladies, whether they have a huge portfolio of properties and manage them for a living or have simply retained their previous or first home as an investment for the future.
Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgages
The majority of mortgages and house purchases these days, and for some years, have been legally set on a joint tenancy basis. This means that the names on the mortgages and its deeds must match the title deeds to the property.
Solicitors and conveyancers
Buying a home is an elaborate jigsaw; a collaboration of many parts which must all come together for things to run smoothly.
Employing a good solicitor is an essential part of this as ultimately even with your dream home secured and the finance arranged to purchase it, without completing the legal process it can never be yours.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The EU General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, became law in the UK on 25th May 2018. It’s the biggest shake up in data protection and the way companies hold personal information in 30 years and it supersedes the existing Data Protection act.
Are lifetime mortgages on the rise?
It cannot be denied that great changes are taking place in the way we live and work, with people in the developed world living longer, in better health and many working later in life – in particular those who run their own businesses.